Ralph Torrie

Is it time to axe the carbon tax?

OPINION | The current ‘take no prisoners’ political battle over Canada’s carbon tax threatens what…

Climate dollars: A roadmap to a post-fossil fuel future

Corporate Knights is launching a major new project to identify the gap between what we…

Are MBA programs teaching social purpose?

Of the 44 MBA curricula we reviewed, almost half had some social-purpose-related material, but only…

Here we go again: Ontario’s reckless nuclear gamble

I’ve watched Ontario botch electricity planning for decades. We can’t afford more ill-conceived megaprojects that…

GREEN house effect: Calculate the savings from electrifying your home

Switching to an EV, heat pump, heat pump water heater and induction stove could cut…

Investment opportunities await in greening the world's cities

The global sustainability transition will require investments between US$6 to $9 trillion per year by…

Microgrids should be the future of electricity. Let's fund them.

In a new call to action, we’re urging the federal government to fund neighbourhood-scale microgrid…

The price of making peace with nature

In the face of climate chaos, Corporate Knights’ Climate and Economic Renewal Plan lays out…

Russia's upending of fossil fuels markets shouldn't change energy transition for Canada

The world has changed fundamentally, and Canada can no longer expect to thrive if we’re…