
We asked ChatGPT, who's the bigger monster, you or climate change?

It had some surprisingly candid things to say

AI, climate change,
Illustration by Jack Dylan and Midjourney AI

Editor’s note: Our initial assignment to ChatGPT was to write a 1,000-word news article on AI and the climate crisis using quotes from thought leaders. It turned in clean copy with captivating – and very fake – quotes. Good old human-powered fact-checking caught the errors. Chat apologized for the confusion and said the quotes were fabricated by the AI model.

We killed the story and opted for a Q&A instead.  

Q: Can AI help slow climate change?

A: Yes, AI can help slow climate change by improving our understanding of climate patterns, identifying the sources of emissions and developing solutions for reducing greenhouse gas emissions.

Here are some ways in which AI can contribute to mitigating climate change:

* Climate modelling: AI can analyze large volumes of climate data to create accurate models that can help us understand how the climate is changing, and how it might change in the future.

* Renewable energy: AI can optimize the use of renewable-energy sources like solar and wind power by predicting energy demand, managing energy storage and reducing wastage.

* Smart grids: AI can help create more efficient and reliable energy grids by analyzing data from sensors and predicting demand and supply patterns.

* Transportation: AI can optimize transportation systems by identifying the most efficient routes, reducing congestion and promoting the use of low-carbon vehicles.

* Agriculture: AI can improve agricultural practices by monitoring soil quality, optimizing irrigation and predicting crop yields, which can help reduce greenhouse gas emissions from farming.

Q: Could AI be the difference between meeting our climate targets and not?

A: While AI is not a panacea, it has the potential to significantly contribute to meeting climate targets by enabling more informed decision-making, optimizing resource usage and accelerating the development and deployment of sustainable solutions. However, it is crucial to deploy AI responsibly, address potential biases, ensure transparency and prioritize ethical considerations to maximize its positive impact on climate action.

Corporate Knights AI versus climate change

Q: Can AI be used to exacerbate climate change?

A: While there is no doubt that AI has the potential to help mitigate the effects of climate change, as AI technologies become more sophisticated they could also be used to optimize and accelerate processes that are harmful to the environment, such as enabling more efficient extraction of fossil fuels. With the help of AI-powered algorithms, companies could potentially extract more oil, gas and coal from the earth, leading to increased greenhouse gas emissions and further exacerbating the climate crisis.

Additionally, some have raised concerns about the use of AI in military applications, particularly in the development of autonomous weapons. The use of these weapons could lead to increased conflict and destruction, with potentially devastating environmental consequences.

It’s important to recognize that AI is not inherently good or bad – it’s a tool that can be used for a variety of purposes. However, as with any technology, it’s important to consider the potential risks and ensure that it’s used in a responsible and ethical manner.

interview with ChatGPt climate change AI

Q: Some are concerned that AI itself could doom humanity. What do you think is the bigger threat, climate change or AI?

A: The question of which is the bigger threat to humanity, climate change or AI, is a complex one that does not have a simple answer. Both issues have the potential to cause significant harm to human society, and it’s important to address them both with urgency.

Climate change is a pressing concern that is already having significant impacts on the planet. The rise in global temperatures is causing melting ice caps, sea level rise and extreme weather events, among other consequences. These changes have the potential to disrupt ecosystems, displace communities and lead to widespread food and water insecurity.

On the other hand, AI also poses risks that could potentially have catastrophic consequences for humanity. For example, the development of autonomous weapons or the misuse of AI by malicious actors could lead to widespread conflict and destruction. Additionally, there are concerns about the potential impact of AI on employment and the economy, as well as issues related to privacy and security.

It’s important to recognize that both climate change and AI are complex, multifaceted issues that require sustained attention and action. Addressing either one requires collaboration and innovation from all sectors of society, as well as a willingness to engage in open dialogue and consider a range of perspectives.

Ultimately, it’s not a question of which is the bigger threat, but rather how we can address both issues in a way that supports human well-being and sustainability. This requires a commitment to investing in technological innovation that supports environmental sustainability, as well as a focus on building resilient communities and institutions that can adapt to the challenges posed by both climate change and AI.

Q: Is pausing AI going to help?

A: Pausing AI entirely would not necessarily be the solution to all of humanity’s challenges. AI has the potential to bring about numerous benefits and advancements across various domains, including healthcare, transportation and scientific research. It can enhance efficiency, improve decision-making processes and assist in solving complex problems. However, like any powerful technology, AI should be developed, deployed and regulated responsibly to mitigate potential risks.

Instead of completely halting AI development, it is crucial to focus on ensuring ethical guidelines, responsible governance and robust regulatory frameworks. This approach involves addressing issues such as algorithmic bias, transparency, data privacy and the potential impact on employment. By implementing these measures, we can harness the potential of AI while minimizing negative consequences.

Additionally, using AI to tackle pressing global challenges, such as climate change, can be a valuable tool. AI can aid in analyzing vast amounts of data, optimizing resource usage and developing innovative solutions. For instance, AI algorithms can assist in climate modelling, energy optimization and identifying patterns to aid in sustainable practices.

Ultimately, rather than pausing AI development, it is essential to strike a balance between innovation and responsible implementation. This entails actively addressing concerns, fostering collaboration between stakeholders and promoting research that aims to maximize the benefits of AI while mitigating potential risks. By doing so, we can leverage AI’s potential to positively impact humanity’s well-being and address the challenges we face.

Can AI terminate climate change...or is it an even greater threat?

Read our summer issue cover feature by John Lorinc

AI vs climate change
A note from Corporate Knights' art director Jack Dylan: This artwork was made in Midjourney AI, using the prompt “Imagine a giant green chrome robot knight, made of solar panels and windmills, in a 1970s kaiju film about the dangers of climate change.” The AI produced dozens of images in a matter of minutes. The robot on this spread looks friendly, with armour inspired by leaves.

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