
Corporate Knights Inc. (CK) has a media and research division, which includes the award-winning business and society magazine Corporate Knights, and a research division which produces corporate rankings, research reports and financial product ratings based on corporate sustainability performance. Its best-known rankings include the Best 50 Corporate Citizens in Canada and the Global 100 Most Sustainable Corporations. In June 2013, Corporate Knights was named “Magazine of the Year” by Canada’s National Magazine Awards Foundation.

Founded in 2002 by Toby A. A. Heaps and Paul Fengler, our flagship magazine is distributed quarterly as an insert in the Globe and Mail and Washington Post. Individual copies can be purchased at magazine newsstands across North America or via online newsstand. Print and digital subscriptions are also available.

As one of the world’s largest circulation (125K+) magazines focused on the intersection of business and society, Corporate Knights is the most prominent brand in the clean capitalism media space. We define “clean capitalism” as an economic system in which prices incorporate social, economic and ecological benefits and costs, and actors know the full impacts of their actions. Our vision is to provide information empowering markets to foster a better world.

CK spearheaded the creation in 2012 of the Council for Clean Capitalism, a multi-industry group of leading Canadian companies dedicated to advocating economic and social policy changes that reward responsible corporate behaviour and remove barriers to clean capitalism.

CK is also proud to be the first print business magazine and research firm in the world to be a Certified B Corp. We believe that companies meet their highest purpose when they serve the interests of society, and being certified helps to firm up our own personal commitment. To earn certification, B Corps must meet rigorous standards of social and environmental performance, accountability and transparency. As an example, we’re proud to say this website is powered by 100% renewable electricity from Canada.


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